I've been in Moab UT for over a week and I can feel it clutching at me, like a lustful lover on a warm eve. She wants me to stay and I wouldn't mind, but I hear the road calling. The call to adventure sounds and I must obey, leaving Moab one way or another.
I've yet to decide which way to head. A few locals whom I've befriended keep urging me South. Monument Valley is something to see, they say. Like rafting on the Colorado and seeing Canyonlands, it's not to be missed.
I, on the other hand, am tempted to head North to Green River and then West again. Where, they tell me, there is absolutely nothing for miles and miles but desert, hot Sun, scorpions, snakes and a possible chance of being abducted by aliens along Extraterrestrial Highway.
Trying to find a ride via CraigsList has yielded nothing. Some have said they would get me to Vegas and then getting to Cali would be easy peezy. Afterwards, when I thought the ride was assured and found some cash to throw at them for gas they flaked. Left me swinging in the wind. No worries though.
Moab has been very good to me. I've found some work to put extra bills in my pocket and have met some really cool people. They let me stay in their yard for a good while, so I feel the need not to outstay my welcome and move on. I drank from Matrimony Springs, where that dino print is, so that means I'm destined to return but for now the question is, which way do I go?
If you have any suggestions or can help, please, let me know.
Good journey fellow travellers
Hey Michael!! I met you in Cambridge City Indiana at the library. They put a nice piece about you with a pic in the local newspaper. Love to send you the article. cicely60@yahoo.com is my email. Happy Trails!!